Wessex Young Musicians' Trust
The Wessex Young Musicians' Trust ( a charity registered with the Charity Commission No. 1100905) was established due to the generosity of a Bournemouth lady who loved music and was keen to promote young musicians in their musical ambitions. She was aware of the Wessex Youth Orchestra (WYO) and the associated groups of younger players and left a generous legacy to support those endeavours and any others, whether in the form of groups or individual players, throughout the Wessex region.
Since its inception the charity thousands of pounds has been given as grants to numerous youth music groups including, the Wessex Youth Orchestra, Broadstone Music Series and the Society for Wessex Young Musicians (SWYM). Multiple individual young musicians have also benefitted from grants to help with their higher musical education at institutions such as the Northern School of Music, the Berlin Youth Orchestra and the Royal Academy of Music.
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